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Terms and Conditions - Medrano Abogados

The following general conditions of use of the services offered on our website are subscribed by the domain owner (Medrano Abogados).
owner of the domain (Medrano Abogados). Users will be considered to be natural persons with the capacity to validly
to validly enter into a contract.

These conditions are applicable to all the services offered by Medrano Abogados. To
to use the portal, the present conditions must be accepted. Otherwise, the user must leave the
portal. The conditions will be accepted by clicking on the acceptance of conditions button, as well as by actually using the website.
by actually using the website.
The services provided by the portal for the generality of users are free of charge and merely informative, so they do not require
informative, so they do not require any action to cease, only the mere will of the user not to visit the PORTAL.
not to visit the PORTAL.

The entirety of this website: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files,
colour combinations, structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, object and source code, are the property of the
object and source; are the property of the ENTITY or of third party collaborators, and their reproduction, distribution, public communication and
reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, except for personal and private use,
the USER must respect the stipulations of the Legal Notice that appears on the PORTAL, and which is incorporated into these
incorporated into these Conditions by reference from this section.

Minors must request and obtain permission from their parents, guardian or representative.

Cookies Policy - Medrano Abogados

The MEDRANO ABOGADOS website uses different tools that allow us to gather information about the users of the website
of its users, with the aim of optimising it through the metrics of the browsing of its users.
of its users. This information can be obtained through the local storage of the browser, session storage, pixels or
session storage, pixels or through Cookies, the main difference being that Cookies install a small text in the browser's
Cookies install a small piece of text on your device, while local and session storage installs it on your browser.
installed in your browser. Specifically, on this site we use Cookies and Pixels.

What are cookies and pixels?

A Cookie is a small text file, which is installed on your computer, phone, or any device with which you access the site.
any device with which you access this website, and which collects and stores information about how you browse this website.
the way in which you browse the website. The purpose of this is to improve your experience,
by storing your language preference, estimating usage patterns, tailoring our website to your specific interests
tailoring our website to your specific interests, speeding up the searches you can carry out, etc. These are
files that do not harm your computer, and are considered necessary for the operation of the website. No
We do not store information that could be considered sensitive, such as your address.

Pixels, on the other hand, are small pieces of text, which are not installed on your computer or phone, and collect information about your computer or phone.
phone, and collect information about your use of the website in order to send it to you.

Legal Disclaimer - Medrano Abogados

This website is the property of MEDRANO ABOGADOS and its content is for information purposes only.
the services provided by this office, as well as to provide users with the information they request by e-mail or forms that may be
through e-mail or forms that may be set up for this purpose, the receipt of curriculum vitae and, where appropriate, the
curriculum vitae and, where appropriate, the sending of the newsletter to users who subscribe, all of the above,
subject to the Entity's data protection policy, which is detailed in the privacy policy.
privacy policy.

The fact of accessing this website implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and
terms and conditions of use of its content, as well as the acceptance of the established policy on the subject of data
protection of data when providing personal data of your own or of third parties, and attributes the status of user of the
condition of the user of the Portal and access to the same implies its acceptance without reservation.

Ownership of the Website

The domain name is registered in the name of MEDRANO ABOGADOS. The registered office is
established, for the purposes of this Legal Notice, at C/ Orgaz 7, 1oD in the city of Toledo (45593).

Conditions of use of the "Web Site".

The user undertakes to use the "web site" in accordance with the provisions of these conditions of use.
Under no circumstances will Medrano Abogados be responsible for any damage caused by the user due to erroneous or improper use in relation to the
misuse or improper use in relations with third parties, being the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user.

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Resolving a Question

MEDRANO ABOGADOS is an incorporated business entity and ABOGADOS MEDRANO is the web domain belonging to Medrano Abogados S.L.P.

 Medrano Lawyers - Legal Firm

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  • Privacy Policy

  • Cookies policy

  • Legal warning

  • General conditions

Calle Orgaz 7 1ºD 45004 Toledo

 925 21 50 02
 672 90 56 38
 672 90 56 71

Copyright © 2023 Medrano Abogados S.L. All rights reserved. Web design: Mayte Medrano

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